About State of Shiok
The art of tattooing has a negative social stigma in Singapore, being widely seen as ‘deviant’ and ‘unprofessional’. State of Shiok wishes to change that mindset, giving tattooing a platform for everyone to see it as what it is- an art.
Here at State of Shiok, tattooing as an activity is available in this space. We value art and creativity, providing other art mediums for you to choose from. We hope that putting different art forms in one creative space works towards collectively breaking the stigma against tattooing while generating exposure and awareness to the art itself.
We acknowledge that the road to becoming a tattoo artist is not an easy one. Our pseudo tattooing activity is meant to give an introduction to the art form but it will never match up to the work real tattoo artists do. We encourage those who are truly interested in becoming tattoo artists to find apprenticeships from experienced tattoo artists.
We hope that here at State of Shiok you explore your creativity regardless of the medium, fulfil your curiosity and make great art.